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Nacaps 2018.

Briedis, K., Lietz, A., Ruß, U., Schwabe, U., Seifert, M., ... & Hoffstätter, U. (2024).
Nacaps 2018. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur National Academics Panel Study 2018 (1.-4. Befragungswelle – Promovierende). Hannover: DZHW.

Nacaps, the National Academics Panel Study, is a new longitudinal study of doctoral candidates and doctorate holders in Germany funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project aims at providing nationwide cross-sectional and longitudinal data on doctoral candidates and doctorate holders in Germany regarding their study conditions as well as their career trajectories within and outside of academia. The Nacaps study series apply a panel design to multiple cohorts. Nacaps 2018 is the first cohort in this series of studies. In 2019, all doctoral candidates registered at 53 higher education institutions [...] Full Abstract:

Investigating Students’ Academic Self-Concepts and Persistence in STEM: How Do Gender Differences Relate to Female Representation?

Fiedler, I. (2024).
Investigating Students’ Academic Self-Concepts and Persistence in STEM: How Do Gender Differences Relate to Female Representation? International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 16(1), 1-17.

Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland 2021. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Erhebung.

Becker, K., Schwabe, U., Völk, D., Koopmann, J., Gerdes, F., ... & Klein, D. (2024).
Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland 2021. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Erhebung. Hannover: DZHW.

"The Student Survey in Germany" (2021) is a newly designed study that integrates three previously separate student surveys (Beuße et al., 2022): the Social Survey (Middendorff et al., 2017; Middendorff & Wallis, 2023), the Student Survey (Multrus et al., 2017; Multrus, 2021) and the survey "best - Studying with impairments" (Poskowsky et al., 2018; Unger et al., 2012). The study is designed as a cross-sectional survey with a long-term character. The new, integrated student survey thus continues the long tradition of the Social Survey and the Student Survey as important cross-sectional long-term observation studies for describing and analysing higher education and the student [...] Full Abstract:

Adult refugees and asylum seekers’ basic need satisfaction and educational success in pre-study programmes in Germany.

Grüttner, M. (2024).
Adult refugees and asylum seekers’ basic need satisfaction and educational success in pre-study programmes in Germany. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 1-20 (online first).

Host country education can be crucial for the social integration as well as labour market outcomes of refugees and asylum seekers. To meet the same admission criteria for studying at German higher education institutions (HEI) as other international student applicants, refugees and asylum seekers can attend pre-study programmes at preparatory colleges or language centres of HEI. According to the self-determination theory, the satisfaction of basic psychological needs is relevant to learning motivation and success in educational contexts. This paper examines the differences in the satisfaction of basic needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) and learning motivation between refugees and other international student applicants, and the ext

Die Akademisierung und die Evolution der Lohnstruktur nach Bildungsabschlüssen.

Ordemann, J., & Pfeiffer, F. (2024).
Die Akademisierung und die Evolution der Lohnstruktur nach Bildungsabschlüssen. (ZEWpolicybrief 2|2024). Mannheim: ZEW.

Heterogene Studierendenschaft – Zur Sozialstruktur und Studiensituation der Studierenden in Deutschland.

Kerst, C., Kroher, M., & Steinkühler, J. (2024).
Heterogene Studierendenschaft – Zur Sozialstruktur und Studiensituation der Studierenden in Deutschland. Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung/Discourse. Journal of Childhood and Adolescence Research, 18(4), 521-544.

Vertikale und horizontale Ungleichheiten am Übergang in die tertiäre Bildung - Unterschiede nach dem Migrationshintergrund und der sozialen Herkunft.

Mentges, H. (2024).
Vertikale und horizontale Ungleichheiten am Übergang in die tertiäre Bildung - Unterschiede nach dem Migrationshintergrund und der sozialen Herkunft. (Dissertation). Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität, Hannover.

The Effect of Germany´s Federalism on Student Success.

Hönnige, C., Bauer, V. A., Bernauer, J., Zittlau, S., Epping, V., ... & Nguyen Xuan, A. (2024).
The Effect of Germany´s Federalism on Student Success. The "Index of Commitment" as Comparative Measure for Study and Examination Regulations. LCSS Working Paper (16). Hannover: Leibniz Universität Hannover.

2. Jährliches Austauschtreffen der Graduiertenbefragungen in Deutschland.

Mühleck, K. (2024).
2. Jährliches Austauschtreffen der Graduiertenbefragungen in Deutschland, Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW).

Bildung und Qualifikation als Grundlage der technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands 2024.

Kerst, C., & Meier, D. H. (2024).
Bildung und Qualifikation als Grundlage der technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands 2024. Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem (1-2024). Berlin: Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation.

Promovierende und Promovieren in der Erziehungswissenschaft.

Kerst, C., & Wolter, A. (2024).
Promovierende und Promovieren in der Erziehungswissenschaft. In B. Schmidt-Hertha, A. Tervooren, R. Martini, & I. Züchner (Hrsg.), Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2024 (S. 113-137). Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich.

Adult Refugees and Asylum Seekers in University Preparation Programs: Competing Identities and Multiple Transitions Manifested in Stigma Consciousness and Student Self-Identification.

Grüttner, M., Schröder, S., & Berg, J. (2024).
Adult Refugees and Asylum Seekers in University Preparation Programs: Competing Identities and Multiple Transitions Manifested in Stigma Consciousness and Student Self-Identification. Adult Education Quarterly, 1-20 (online first).

Preparation for university studies is key to enabling adult refugees and asylum seekers to reestablish their educational and professional careers in the host country. While refugees’ transition to higher education (HE) is embedded in multiple transitions regarding social position, educational career, and migration, related identities may compete. We investigate how this is manifested in stigma consciousness and precarious student self-identification and how these factors influence the transition to HE. We combine novel quantitative and qualitative data on refugee students in prestudy programs in Germany. The results show that stigma consciousness impedes student self-identification. Moreover, stigma consciousness moderates the effect of ...

Adult Refugees and Asylum Seekers in University Preparation Programs: Competing Identities and Multiple Transitions Manifested in Stigma Consciousness and Student Self-Identification.

Grüttner, M., Schröder, S., & Berg, J. (2024).
Adult Refugees and Asylum Seekers in University Preparation Programs: Competing Identities and Multiple Transitions Manifested in Stigma Consciousness and Student Self-Identification. Adult Education Quarterly (online first).

Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia.

Gross, C., & Jaksztat, S. (Hrsg.) (2024).
Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia. Special Edition 26 „Soziale Welt“. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Academic careers inside and outside academia—an overview of topics and contributions.

Jaksztat, S., & Gross, C. (2024).
Academic careers inside and outside academia—an overview of topics and contributions. In C. Gross & S. Jaksztat (Hrsg.), Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia (S. 9-19). Baden-Baden: Nomos.


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