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Does the effect of studying abroad on labour income vary by graduates’ social origin? Evidence from Germany.

Netz, N., & Grüttner, M. (2021).
Does the effect of studying abroad on labour income vary by graduates’ social origin? Evidence from Germany. Higher Education, 82(6), 1195-1217.

Studying abroad can positively influence students’ personality development, transversal skills, and labour market outcomes. At the same time, students from a high social origin are more likely to study abroad than students from a low social origin. Against this background, recent research has suggested that international student mobility (ISM) may foster the reproduction of social inequality. However, this assumption has hardly been tested empirically. Drawing on social stratification theory, we first demonstrate that a scenario in which ISM increases social inequality (cumulative advantage) is as plausible as a scenario in which it decreases social inequality (compensatory levelling).

Who benefits most from studying abroad? A conceptual and empirical overview.

Netz, N. (2021).
Who benefits most from studying abroad? A conceptual and empirical overview. Higher Education, 82(6), 1049-1069.

This editorial to the special issue on heterogeneous effects of studying abroad starts with a review of studies on the determinants and individual-level effects of studying abroad. On that basis, it illustrates the necessity to place more emphasis on effect heterogeneity in research on international student mobility. It then develops a typology of heterogeneous effects of studying abroad, which shall function as an agenda for future research in the field. Thereafter, the editorial introduces the contributions to the special issue. It concludes by summarising major findings and directions for future research.

Special Issue “Heterogeneous effects of studying abroad”.

Netz, N. (Hrsg.) (2021).
Special Issue “Heterogeneous effects of studying abroad”. Higher Education, 82(6). Dordrecht: Springer.

Does studying abroad influence graduates’ wages? A literature review.

Netz, N., & Cordua, F. (2021).
Does studying abroad influence graduates’ wages? A literature review. Journal of International Students , 11(4), 768-789.

In this article, we review quantitative studies that empirically examine whether studying abroad influences graduates’ wages. Our review suggests that studying abroad has a moderate positive effect on graduates’ early-career wages in various national and institutional settings. However, this effect tends to vary across groups of graduates, employment contexts, and types of stays abroad. Employer change, access to large and multinational companies, and access to high-wage labor markets abroad appear to be the most relevant mechanisms mediating the effect of studying abroad on wages. Other mechanisms, such as improved language skills and a greater tendency to pursue further education, turn out to be less relevant.

Internationalität der Promotion in Deutschland.

Willige, J., & Dölle, F. (2021).
Internationalität der Promotion in Deutschland. Eine Analyse auf Basis der „National Academics Panel Study“ (Nacaps), 1. Welle. Hannover: DZHW.

Unterstützungsmaßnahmen erhöhen Kita-Inanspruchnahme von Kindern aus bildungsferneren Familien.

Hermes, H., Lergetporer, P., Peter, F., & Wiederhold, S. (27. Oktober 2021).
Unterstützungsmaßnahmen erhöhen Kita-Inanspruchnahme von Kindern aus bildungsferneren Familien [Blogbeitrag]. Abgerufen von

Finanzielle Probleme von Studierenden in der Corona-Pandemie und die Beantragung von Überbrückungshilfe.

Heublein, U., Hutsch, C., Peter, F., & Buchholz, S. (2021).
Finanzielle Probleme von Studierenden in der Corona-Pandemie und die Beantragung von Überbrückungshilfe. (DZHW Brief 05|2021). Hannover: DZHW.

Wissenschaft weltoffen 2021.

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, & Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (Hrsg.) (2021).
Wissenschaft weltoffen 2021. Daten und Fakten zur Internationalität von Studium und Forschung in Deutschland und weltweit. Bielefeld: wbv Media.

Wissenschaft weltoffen 2021.

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, & Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (Hrsg.) (2021).
Wissenschaft weltoffen 2021. Facts and Figures on the International Nature of Studies and Research in Germany and Worldwide. Bielefeld: wbv Media.

Vereinbarkeit von Wissenschaft und Familienaufgaben an Hamburger Hochschulen. Gesamtbericht, Projektbericht.

Gottburgsen, A., Willige, J., & Sembritzki, T. (2021).
Vereinbarkeit von Wissenschaft und Familienaufgaben an Hamburger Hochschulen. Gesamtbericht, Projektbericht. Hannover: DZHW.

Herausforderungen und Konsequenzen der Corona-Pandemie für Studierende in Deutschland.

Lörz, M., Zimmer, L. M., & Koopmann, J. (2021).
Herausforderungen und Konsequenzen der Corona-Pandemie für Studierende in Deutschland. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht(4), 312-318 (online first).

Bewerbungsunterstützung erhöht die Kita-Inanspruchnahme von Kindern aus bildungsferneren Familien.

Hermes, H., Lergetporer, P., Peter, F., Wiederhold, S., Freundl, V., & Wirth, O. (2021).
Bewerbungsunterstützung erhöht die Kita-Inanspruchnahme von Kindern aus bildungsferneren Familien. ifo Schnelldienst, 74(9), 41-45.

The Evolution of Educational Wage Differentials for Women and Men, from 1996 to 2019.

Ordemann, J., & Pfeiffer, F. (2021).
The Evolution of Educational Wage Differentials for Women and Men, from 1996 to 2019. ZEW Discussion Paper (21-066). Mannheim: ZEW.

This paper studies the evolution of three higher education wage differentials from 1996 to 2019 in Germany, a period when significant changes in the educational composition of the workforce took place. Based on regression analysis and samples of male and female workers from the Socio-Economic Panel Study, the study finds that while all three educational wage differentials increased, workers graduating from universities experienced an inverted u-shape pattern, reaching a plateau between 2011 and 2015. We argue that the decline which began after 2015, and which is detectable as well in the occupational prestige scores, may have resulted from a relative educational upskilling of the workforce as well as changes in the subject composition.

Behavioral Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment.

Hermes, H., Lergetporer, P., Peter, F., & Wiederhold, S. (2021).
Behavioral Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment. CESifo Working Papers 9282. Munich: CESifo.

Erfolgreiche Studienvorbereitung? – Ergebnisse einer Mixed-Methods-Studie zum Erfolg von Geflüchteten in der Studienvorbereitung.

Grüttner, M., Schröder, S., Berg, J., & Otto, C. (2021).
Erfolgreiche Studienvorbereitung? – Ergebnisse einer Mixed-Methods-Studie zum Erfolg von Geflüchteten in der Studienvorbereitung. In M. Neugebauer, H.-D. Daniel, & A. Wolter (Hrsg.), Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch (S. 235-258). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Since more qualified refugees have been looking for protection and prospects in Germany, the demand for pre-study programs has remained high. The WeGe project (Refugees’ Pathways to German Higher Education Institutions) examines the conditions for successful study preparation of refugees and uses a mixed-methods research design. As a conceptual framework, the Capabilities Approach (CA) serves both as a basis for a definition of success and for the analysis of requirements for successful study preparation on an institutional, social and individual level. It turns out that the vast majority of refugees successfully complete their pre-study programs. However, transitions to higher education depend on institutional barriers, which manifest them


Sandra Buchholz
Prof. Dr. Sandra Buchholz Head +49 511 450670-176
Frauke Peter
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