Stephan Stahlschmidt

Dr. Stephan Stahlschmidt

Research Area Research System and Science Dynamics
Acting Head of Department
  • +49 30 2064177-18
  • +49 30 2064177-99

Academic research fields


List of projects

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Competence Network for Bibliometrics

List of publications

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Performance and Structures of the German Science System 2021.

Stephen, D., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2021).
Performance and Structures of the German Science System 2021. Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem. Berlin: Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI).

Comparison of Web of Science, Scopus and Dimensions databases.

Stahlschmidt, S., & Stephen, D. (2020).
Comparison of Web of Science, Scopus and Dimensions databases. Report to Kompetenzzentrum Bibliometrie. Hannover: DZHW.

Größe als Erfolgsgarant? Zur Bedeutung der Organisationstruktur für die Einwerbung von Drittmitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Oberschelp, A., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2020).
Größe als Erfolgsgarant? Zur Bedeutung der Organisationstruktur für die Einwerbung von Drittmitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Qualität in der Wissenschaft (QiW), 14(4), 99-105.

Performance and Structures of the German Science System 2020.

Stephen, D., Stahlschmidt, S., & Hinze, S. (2020).
Performance and Structures of the German Science System 2020. In Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI) (Hrsg.), Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem, 5-2020, Berlin: Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI).

Merits and Limits: Applying open data to monitor Open Access publications in bibliometric databases.

Akbaritabar, A., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2019).
Merits and Limits: Applying open data to monitor Open Access publications in bibliometric databases. In Catalano, G., Daraio, C., Gregori, M., Moed, H. F., & Ruocco, G (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2019), Vol. 2, (S. 1455-1461). Rom: Edizioni Efesto.

Measurement variation in bibliometric impact indicators.

Stahlschmidt, S., & Schmidt, M. (2019).
Measurement variation in bibliometric impact indicators. In Catalano, G., Daraio, C., Gregori, M., Moed, H. F., & Ruocco, G (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2019), Vol. 2, (S. 1500-1506). Edizioni Efesto. ISBN 978-88-3381-118-5.

Varying resonance chambers: A comparison of citation-based valuations of duplicated publications in Web of Science and Scopus.

Stahlschmidt, S., & Stephen, D. (2019).
Varying resonance chambers: A comparison of citation-based valuations of duplicated publications in Web of Science and Scopus. In Catalano, G., Daraio, C., Gregori, M., Moed, H. F., & Ruocco, G (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2019), Vol. 2, (S. 1698-1709). Edizioni Efesto. ISBN 978-88-3381-118-5.

Applying Crossref and Unpaywall information to identify gold, hidden gold, hybrid and delayed Open Access publications in the KB corpus. Report to Kompetenzzentrum Bibliometrie.

Akbaritabar, A., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2019).
Applying Crossref and Unpaywall information to identify gold, hidden gold, hybrid and delayed Open Access publications in the KB corpus. Report to Kompetenzzentrum Bibliometrie. DZHW: Berlin/Hannover.

Performance and Structures of the German Science System.

Stahlschmidt, S., Stephen, D., & Hinze, S. (2019).
Performance and Structures of the German Science System. Berlin: EFI, Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem Nr. 05-2019.

The dynamically changing publication universe as a reference point in national impact evaluation: A counterfactual case study on the Chinese publication growth.

Stahlschmidt, S., & Hinze, S. (2018).
The dynamically changing publication universe as a reference point in national impact evaluation: A counterfactual case study on the Chinese publication growth. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 3:30.

A statistical approach to infer causal effects of the Chinese publication growth on bibliometric impact measures.

Stahlschmidt, S.,; & Hinze, S. (2018).
A statistical approach to infer causal effects of the Chinese publication growth on bibliometric impact measures. In STI 2018 Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 12-14 September 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands.

How does the scientific progress in developing countries affect bibliometric impact measures of developed countries? A counterfactual case study on China.

Stahlschmidt, S., & Hinze, S. (2016).
How does the scientific progress in developing countries affect bibliometric impact measures of developed countries? A counterfactual case study on China. In I. Ràfols, J. Molas-Gallart, E. Castro-Martínez & R. Woolley (Hrsg.), Peripheries, frontiers and beyond. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (S. 1250-1256). València: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.

The limits of monetizing and paying for volunteering in eldercare: a behavioral-economic appraoch.

Kehl, K., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2016).
The limits of monetizing and paying for volunteering in eldercare: a behavioral-economic appraoch. VOLUNTAS.

Fallstudie SROI-Analyse Betriebskindertaggestätte " LuKids " der BASF SE.

Stahlschmidt, S. (2015).
Fallstudie SROI-Analyse Betriebskindertaggestätte " LuKids " der BASF SE. In C. Schober & V. Then (Hrsg.), Praxishandbuch Social Return on Investment. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag.

An Application of Principal Component Analysis on Multivariate Time-Stationary Spatio-Temporal Data.

Stahlschmidt, S., Härdle, W., & Thome, H. (2014).
An Application of Principal Component Analysis on Multivariate Time-Stationary Spatio-Temporal Data. Spatial Economic Analysis, 10, 160-180.

List of presentations & conferences

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Szientometrie als Gegenstand von Wissenschaftsforschung.

Stahlschmidt, S. (2022, Juli).
Teilnahme an der Podiumsdiskussion Szientometrie als Gegenstand von Wissenschaftsforschung auf dem Symposium Wissenschaftsforschung im Fokus - Potentiale und neue Perspektiven, VolkswagenStiftung, Hannover.

Dimensions im Vergleich: Ein Überblick basierend auf den Arbeiten im Kompetenznetzwerk Bibliometrie (KB).

Stahlschmidt, S. (2022, Juni).
Dimensions im Vergleich: Ein Überblick basierend auf den Arbeiten im Kompetenznetzwerk Bibliometrie (KB). Vortrag in der Bibliometrie User Group, Leibniz Geschäftsstelle.

Challenges for bibliometrics in the era of Open Science and non-academic impact assessment.

Stahlschmidt, S. (2022, Juni).
Teilnahme an der Podiumsdiskussion Challenges for bibliometrics in the era of Open Science and non-academic impact assessment Frontiers of the Evaluation. Workshop in Honour of the Memory of Henk F. Moed, Sapienza University, European Summer School for Scientometrics, Rome, Italy.

Robust measurement of Scientific Mobility: (Dis-)Agreement between Author and Publisher Information.

Stephen, D., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2022, Januar).
Robust measurement of Scientific Mobility: (Dis-)Agreement between Author and Publisher Information. Vortrag auf dem Seminar OST-KB Scientometric Joint Seminar, Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur, Observatoire des sciences et techniques (OST).

Germany in the international science system: Findings from annual EFI report series.

Stephen, D., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2022, Januar).
Germany in the international science system: Findings from annual EFI report series. Vortrag auf dem Seminar OST-KB Scientometric Joint Seminar, Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur, Observatoire des sciences et techniques (OST).

A comparative analysis of international scientist mobility between data sources and measurement pathways.

Stephen, D., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2021, November).
A comparative analysis of international scientist mobility between data sources and measurement pathways. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Nordic Workshops on Bibliometrics and Research Policy 2021 (NWB2021), University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.

Performance and structures of the german science system.

Stahlschmidt, S. (2021, Oktober).
Performance and structures of the german science system. Vortrag auf der Summer School The German Science System, Plant 2030 Academy.

Bibliometrische Messvariabilität im Kontext von Rankings.

Stahlschmidt, S., & Schmidt, M. (2021, September/Oktober).
Bibliometrische Messvariabilität im Kontext von Rankings. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Netzwerkveranstaltung 2021 des HRK-Serviceprojekts Internationale Hochschulrankings, Hochschulrektorenkonferenz und Freie Universität Berlin.

A comparative analysis of international scientist mobility between data sources and measurement pathways.

Stephen, D., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2021, September).
A comparative analysis of international scientist mobility between data sources and measurement pathways. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Methodological Innovations in Research on Spatial Mobility: Potentials and Pitfalls, Forschungscluster Mobilität und migrationsspezifische Ungleichheiten und Empirische Methoden der Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung, Hannover.

European Summer School for Scientometrics (esss2021).

Glänzel, W., Debackere, K., Hinze, S., Gauch, S., Stahlschmidt, S., ... & Ulrych, U. (2021).
European Summer School for Scientometrics (esss2021)., online.

Accuracy and beyond: Data quality of bibliometric databases.

Stahlschmidt, S. (2021, September).
Accuracy and beyond: Data quality of bibliometric databases. Vortrag auf der Summer School European Summer School for Scientometrics (ESSS) 2021.

Bibliometrics informing policy making: Fit for purpose?

Hinze, S., Sivertsen, G., Schneider, J., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2021, September).
Session Bibliometrics informing policy making: Fit for purpose 25th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI2021), Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy Department of Political Science Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.

Mucho Ado about Nothing? The Information Value of National Bibliometric Monitoring.

Stahlschmidt, S. (2021, September).
Mucho Ado about Nothing? The Information Value of National Bibliometric Monitoring. Impulsvortrag auf der Konferenz 25th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI2021), Aarhus University.

Differences between Web of Science, Scopus, and Dimensions in structure and citation networks affect German sectors’ normalised citation impact.

Stahlschmidt, S., & Stephen, D. (2021, Juli).
Differences between Web of Science, Scopus, and Dimensions in structure and citation networks affect German sectors’ normalised citation impact. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 18th Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2021), KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

Expectile Treatment Effects: An efficient alternative to compute the distribution of treatment effects.

Stahlschmidt, S., Eckardt, M., & Härdle, W. K. (2020, Oktober).
Expectile Treatment Effects: An efficient alternative to compute the distribution of treatment effects. Vortrag auf dem Workshop " Causality in the Social Scienes II " , German Centre of Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), 07.-09.10.2020, Hannover.