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Translational research in the science policy debate: a comparative analysis of documents.

Blümel, C. (2017).
Translational research in the science policy debate: a comparative analysis of documents. Science and Public Policy.

Under Pressure! Investigating Academic Freedom.

Hornbostel, S. (2017).
Under Pressure! Investigating Academic Freedom. In Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Hrsg.), The Freedom of Scientific Research in the Face of Political and Societal Demands, Akademien im Dialog 9, (S. 49-55).

Does the Scopus author ID suffice to track scientific international mobility? A case study based on Leibniz laureates.

Aman, V. (2017).
Does the Scopus author ID suffice to track scientific international mobility? A case study based on Leibniz laureates. In Proceedings of the 22th Conference on Science, Technology & Innovation Indicators (STI 2017), ESIEE, Paris, France.

Altmetrics and its intellectual predecessors: Patterns of argumentation and conceptual development.

Blümel, C., Gauch, S., & Beng, F. (2017).
Altmetrics and its intellectual predecessors: Patterns of argumentation and conceptual development. Paper presented at the Science and Technology Indicators Conference, September 6, 2017, Paris, France.

Zur Entwicklung des Europäischen Forschungsraums. Eine bibliometrische Analyse.

Möller, T. (2017).
Zur Entwicklung des Europäischen Forschungsraums. Eine bibliometrische Analyse. Internationalisierung, Vielfalt und Inklusion in der Wissenschaft (IVI), 2-2017, 52-60.

Öffentliche Soziologie als experimentalistische Kollaboration. Zum Verhältnis von Theorie und Methode im Kontext disruptiven sozialen Wandels.

Bogusz, T., & Reinhart, M. (2017).
Öffentliche Soziologie als experimentalistische Kollaboration. Zum Verhältnis von Theorie und Methode im Kontext disruptiven sozialen Wandels. In S. Selke & A. Treibel (Hrsg.), Öffentliche Gesellschaftswissenschaften. Grundlagen, Anwendungsfelder und Perspektiven (S. 345-360). Springer VS.

Competencies for bibliometrics.

Cox, A.M., Gadd, E., Petersohn, S., & Sbaffi, L. (2017).
Competencies for bibliometrics. Journal of Librarianship & Information Science. Online first 31.08.2017.

Opening up new channels for scholarly review, dissemination, and assessment.

Görögh, E., Sifacaki, E., Vignoli, M., Gauch, S., Blümel, C., Kraker, P., ... & Toli, E. (2017).
Opening up new channels for scholarly review, dissemination, and assessment. OpenSym '17, August 23-25, 2017, Galway, Ireland, ACM.

Translational research in the science policy debate: a comparative analysis.

Blümel, C. (2017).
Translational research in the science policy debate: a comparative analysis. Science and Public Policy, Volume 45( Issue 1), 24–35.

Vermessen und Teilen. Praktiken und Diskurse des Teilens digitaler Selbstvermessungsdaten.

Leckert, M., Panzitta, S., Atanisev, K., Dawgiert, L., Dieterich, M., Lauterwasser, T., ... & Tiede, M. (2017).
Vermessen und Teilen. Praktiken und Diskurse des Teilens digitaler Selbstvermessungsdaten. Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen.

Document type assignment accuracy in the journal citation index data of Web of Science.

Donner, P. (2017).
Document type assignment accuracy in the journal citation index data of Web of Science. Scientometrics, 113(1), 219-236.

This article reports the results of a study of the correctness of document type assignments in the commercial citation index database Web of Science (SCIE, SSCI, AHCI collections). The document type assignments for publication records are compared to those given on the official journal websites or in the publication full-texts for a random sample of 791 Web of Science records across the four document type categories articles, letters, reviews and others, according to the definitions of WoS. The proportion of incorrect assignments across document types and its influence on document specific normalized citations scores are analysed. It is found that document type data is correct in 94% of records. [...]

Structured Diversity - How structured programs change doctoral education in Germany.

Ambrasat, J., & Tesch, J. (2017).
Structured Diversity - How structured programs change doctoral education in Germany. Research Evaluation, 4, 292-301.

Policy Instrument Constituencies.

Simons, A., & Voß, J. (2017).
Policy Instrument Constituencies. In M. Howlett & I. Mukherjee (Hrsg.), Handbook of Policy Formulation (S. 355-372). Edward Elgar.

Reif für die Wahl? Stand und Struktur des politischen Wissens in Österreich: Ein Vergleich der 16- und 17-Jährigen mit anderen Altersgruppen.

Johann, D., & Mayer, S. (2017).
Reif für die Wahl? Stand und Struktur des politischen Wissens in Österreich: Ein Vergleich der 16- und 17-Jährigen mit anderen Altersgruppen. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 46(2), 1-16.

AGATE: Concept for a European Academies Internet Gateway for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Wuttke, U., Ott, C., Adrian, D., & Worthington, S. (2017).
AGATE: Concept for a European Academies Internet Gateway for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Berlin: Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften.


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