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Does the Winner Take it All? Increasing Inequality in Scientific Authorship.

Rauhut, H., Winter, F., & Johann, D. (2018).
Does the Winner Take it All? Increasing Inequality in Scientific Authorship. In M. C. Buchmann & R. A. Scott (Hrsg.), Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Hoboken: Wiley Online.

Text data mining and data quality management for research information systems in the context of open data and open science.

Azeroual, O., Saake, G., Abuosba, M., & Schöpfel, J. (2018).
Text data mining and data quality management for research information systems in the context of open data and open science. In ESI-CNRST, N. Ibnlkhayat (Hrsg.), Proceedings of 3rd International Colloquium on Open Access - Open Access to Science Foundations, Issues and Dynamics (29-46), 28-30 November 2018, Rabat-Morocco, 11/2018.

Using Argumentation Visualization to Foster Transparency of Development Processes: An Evaluation Study.

Riechert, M., Biesenbender, S., Becker, J., & Zarnekow, R. (2018).
Using Argumentation Visualization to Foster Transparency of Development Processes: An Evaluation Study. Research Papers in Information Systems Management, Band 19, 1-30, Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin.

Academic coaching and decision analysis: Ways of deciding whether to pursue an academic career.

Morais, A.S., & Hariskos, W. (2018).
Academic coaching and decision analysis: Ways of deciding whether to pursue an academic career. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0206961.

How does research productivity relate to gender? Analyzing gender differences for multiple publication dimensions.

Mayer, S. J., & Rathmann, J. M. K. (2018).
How does research productivity relate to gender? Analyzing gender differences for multiple publication dimensions. Scientometrics.

Förderung und Evaluation der Forschung in den Lebenswissenschaften in der Schweiz – eine Interviewstudie.

Hendriks, B., Schendzielorz, C., & Reinhart, M. (2018).
Förderung und Evaluation der Forschung in den Lebenswissenschaften in der Schweiz – eine Interviewstudie. In The growth of science: Auswirkungen für die Forschungsevaluation und -förderung in der Schweiz. Politische Analyse und Empfehlungen des Schweizerischen Wissenschaftsrates SWR. Empirische Untersuchung von B. Hendriks, M. Reinhart und C. Schendzielorz, Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW), Berlin. Politische Analyse 2/2018. Berlin: Schweizer Wissenschaftsrat.

Wissenschaftlerbefragung 2016.

Neufeld, J., Johann, D. (2018).
Wissenschaftlerbefragung 2016. Methoden- und Datenbericht. (Version 1.0.0). Hannover: fdz.DZHW.

Science and its Others: Examining the discourse about scientific misconduct through a postcolonial lens.

Hesselmann, F. (2018).
Science and its Others: Examining the discourse about scientific misconduct through a postcolonial lens. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 26(4), Taylor & Francis, 393-411.

The dynamically changing publication universe as a reference point in national impact evaluation: A counterfactual case study on the Chinese publication growth.

Stahlschmidt, S., & Hinze, S. (2018).
The dynamically changing publication universe as a reference point in national impact evaluation: A counterfactual case study on the Chinese publication growth. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 3:30.

Wo und wie gelingt Translation? Einschätzungen aus der Praxis am Berliner Institut für Gesundheitsforschung.

Simons, A., Hendriks, B., Dirnagl, U., Riedel, N., Tölch, U., Ahmed, F., & Reinhart, M. (2018).
Wo und wie gelingt Translation? Einschätzungen aus der Praxis am Berliner Institut für Gesundheitsforschung. Forschung & Lehre, 25 (10).

Science Diplomacy in the European Union: Practices and Prospects.

Flink, T., & Rungius, C. (2018).
Science Diplomacy in the European Union: Practices and Prospects. Policy Brief No. 1.

The use of scientific literature in ISO standards.

Fenton, A., Blind. K., & Gauch, S. (2018).
The use of scientific literature in ISO standards. In Standards for a smarter future (EURAS Proceedings) (45-58). Dublin: Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz.

Umkämpfte Zahlen: Armutsstatistik und Armutsberichterstattung in Großbritannien und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1979-1988.

Fenton, A., & Haßdenteufel, S. (2018).
Umkämpfte Zahlen: Armutsstatistik und Armutsberichterstattung in Großbritannien und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1979-1988. In K. Fertikh, H. Wieters & B. Zimmermann (Hrsg.), Ein soziales Europa als Herausforderung: Von der Harmonisierung zur Koordination sozialpolitischer Kategorien / L’Europe sociale en question: De l’harmonisation à la coordination des catégories d’action publique. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.

A statistical approach to infer causal effects of the Chinese publication growth on bibliometric impact measures.

Stahlschmidt, S.,; & Hinze, S. (2018).
A statistical approach to infer causal effects of the Chinese publication growth on bibliometric impact measures. In STI 2018 Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 12-14 September 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands.

Exploration of reproducibility issues in scientometric research.

Velden, T., Hinze, S. Scharnhorst, A. Schneider, J.W., & Waltman, L. (2018).
Exploration of reproducibility issues in scientometric research. In STI 2018 Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 12-14 September 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands.


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