studied Library and Information Science at the Humboldt University Berlin and wrote her Magister thesis as part of a project investigating the diversity of research fields using bibliometric methods. After graduating, she worked as head of library at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences. She notably expanded the electronic services of the library, but also collaborated on bibliometric analyses for research evaluation of the Institute. She joined the iFQ team in June 2011.

Marion Schmidt
Research Area Research System and Science Dynamics
- +49 30 2064177-32
- Orcid
Academic research fields
Bibliometrics, Science Studies, Research Evaluation and Benchmarking
List of projects
List of publications
Why do some retracted articles continue to get cited?Schmidt, M. (2024).Why do some retracted articles continue to get cited? Scientometrics, 2024 (online first). |
Who are the “Heroes of CRISPR”? Public science communication on Wikipedia and the challenge of micro-notability.Simon, A., Kircheis, W., Schmidt, M., Potthast, M., & Stein, B. (2024).Who are the “Heroes of CRISPR”? Public science communication on Wikipedia and the challenge of micro-notability. Public Understanding of Science, 33(7), 918-934. |
Mining the History Sections of Wikipedia Articles on Science and Technology.Kircheis, W., Schmidt, M., Simons, A., Stein, B., & Potthast, M. (2023).Mining the History Sections of Wikipedia Articles on Science and Technology. 23rd ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2023), 23 (online first). |
A diachronic perspective on citation latency in Wikipedia articles on CRISPR/Cas-9: an exploratory case study.Schmidt, M., Kircheis, W., Simons, A., Potthast, M., & Stein, B. (2023).A diachronic perspective on citation latency in Wikipedia articles on CRISPR/Cas-9: an exploratory case study. Scientometrics, 2023(128), 3649-3673. |
Does Wikipedia Cover the Relevant Literature on Major Innovations Timely? An Exploratory Case Study of CRISPR/Cas9.Schmidt, M., Kircheis, W., Simons, A., Potthast, M., & Stein, B. (2021).Does Wikipedia Cover the Relevant Literature on Major Innovations Timely? An Exploratory Case Study of CRISPR/Cas9. In W. Glänzel, S. Heeffer, P.-S. Chi, & R. Rousseau (Hrsg.), 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics - Proceedings (S. 1021-1026). Leuven: International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (I.S.S.I.). |
A Case Study of the Epistemic Function of Citations - Implications for Citation-based Science Mapping.Seitz, C., Schmidt, M., Schwichtenberg, N., & Velden, T. (2021).A Case Study of the Epistemic Function of Citations - Implications for Citation-based Science Mapping. In W. Glänzel, S. Heeffer, P.-S. Chi, & R. Rousseau (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics (S. 1027-1032). Leuven: KU Leuven / International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (I.S.S.I.). Abstract
The use of citations as indicators of topical relatedness of publications is common in the algorithmic mapping of the structure of science. References to source documents, however, may serve a variety of epistemic functions, and hence represent rather different dimensions of topical relatedness, such as the research methods used, the empirical objects studied, the theoretical resources build on, the research questions pursued, or the external motivation for and relevance of the work. In this case study, we explore the diversity in topical dimensions along which publications are linked in citation networks, by coding the epistemic function of in-text citations. [...] |
Measurement variation in bibliometric impact indicators.Stahlschmidt, S., & Schmidt, M. (2019).Measurement variation in bibliometric impact indicators. In Catalano, G., Daraio, C., Gregori, M., Moed, H. F., & Ruocco, G (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2019), Vol. 2, (S. 1500-1506). Edizioni Efesto. ISBN 978-88-3381-118-5. |
An Analysis of the Validity of Retraction Annotation in Pubmed and the Web of Science.Schmidt, M. (2018).An Analysis of the Validity of Retraction Annotation in Pubmed and the Web of Science. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 69(2), 318-328. |
The visibility of scientific misconduct: A review of the literature on retracted publications.Hesselmann, F., Graf, V., Schmidt, M., & Reinhart, M. (2017).The visibility of scientific misconduct: A review of the literature on retracted publications. Current Sociology, Volume: 65 issue: 6, 814-845. |
Assessing the effects of the German Excellence Initiative with Bibliometric Means based on two Data Sources.Möller, T., & Schmidt, M. (2015).Assessing the effects of the German Excellence Initiative with Bibliometric Means based on two Data Sources. In Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI 2015). Lugano. |
Publikationsanalyse im Web of Science und Scopus.Aman, V., Hinze, S., & Schmidt, M. (2015).Publikationsanalyse im Web of Science und Scopus. In A. Botte, U. Sondergeld & M. Rittberger (Hrsg.), Monitoring Bildungsforschung. Befunde aus dem Forschungsprojekt " Entwicklung und Veränderungsdynamik eines heterogenen sozialwissenschaftlichen Feldes am Beispiel der Bildungsforschung " , (S. 107-174). Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. |
Evaluation of the citation matching algorithms of CWTS and iFQ in comparison to Web of Science.Olensky, M., Schmidt, M., & Eck, J. N. (2015).Evaluation of the citation matching algorithms of CWTS and iFQ in comparison to Web of Science. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 67(10), 2550-2564. |
Transforming the Heterogeneity of Subject Categories into a Stability Interval of the MNCS.Schmidt, M., & Sirtes, D. (2015).Transforming the Heterogeneity of Subject Categories into a Stability Interval of the MNCS. In A. Salah et al. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI 2015), Istanbul, Turkey, 29 June to 3 July, 2015, (S. 365-371). Istanbul: Bogaziçi University Printhouse. |
The Best Five - Do Authors' Assessments of their own Publications Correspond to Metric Based Rankings?Schmidt, M., & Neufeld, J. (2013).The Best Five - Do Authors' Assessments of their own Publications Correspond to Metric Based Rankings? In Translational twists and turns: Science as a socio-economic endeavor. Proceedings of STI 2013 Berlin, 18th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, (S. 335-342). Berlin: iFQ. |