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Messung möglicher Auswirkungen der Exzellenzinitiative sowie des Pakts für Forschung und Innovation auf die geförderten Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen.

Möller, T. (2016).
Messung möglicher Auswirkungen der Exzellenzinitiative sowie des Pakts für Forschung und Innovation auf die geförderten Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen. Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem Nr. 09-2016. Herausgegeben von der Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI), Berlin.

Governance by Definition – Modes of justification between disembeddedness and locality.

Blümel, C., Gauch, S., & Biesenbender, S. (2016).
Governance by Definition – Modes of justification between disembeddedness and locality. Paper presented at the Winter School “What happens to the data in big data?” Namur (Belgium) 10.02.2016.

Eine exzellente Initiative ist nicht genug.

Hornbostel, S. (2016).
Eine exzellente Initiative ist nicht genug. Gastbeitrag in DIE ZEIT Nr. 5 vom 28. Januar 2016.

Eurosceptic vote deviation and the impact of news media.

Kritzinger, S., & Johann, D. (2016).
Eurosceptic vote deviation and the impact of news media. In W. Van der Brug & C. H. De Vreese (Hrsg.), (Un)intended consequences of European Parliament elections (S. 171-191). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Organizing Translational Research: Report on the Establishment, Organization, and Evaluation of the Translational Research Process in leading US Organizations.

Blümel, C., Gauch, S., & Krüger, A. (2016).
Organizing Translational Research: Report on the Establishment, Organization, and Evaluation of the Translational Research Process in leading US Organizations. DZHW-BIH-Report No. 02. Berlin: Berlin Institute of Health (BIH).

The limits of monetizing and paying for volunteering in eldercare: a behavioral-economic appraoch.

Kehl, K., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2016).
The limits of monetizing and paying for volunteering in eldercare: a behavioral-economic appraoch. VOLUNTAS.

Determining effects of individual research grants on publication output and impact: the case of the Emmy Noether-Programme.

Neufeld, J. (2016).
Determining effects of individual research grants on publication output and impact: the case of the Emmy Noether-Programme. Research Evaluation (2016), Vol. 25, No. 1. 50-61, [Online first: November 24, 2015].

The Research Core Dataset for the German science system: Challenges, processes and principles of a contested standardization project.

Biesenbender, S., & Hornbostel, S. (2016).
The Research Core Dataset for the German science system: Challenges, processes and principles of a contested standardization project. Scientometrics, 106(2), 837-847.

Enhanced self-citation detection by fuzzy author name matching and complementary error estimates.

Donner, P. (2016).
Enhanced self-citation detection by fuzzy author name matching and complementary error estimates. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 662–670.

In this article I investigate the shortcomings of exact string match-based author self-citation detection methods. The contributions of this study are twofold. First, I apply a fuzzy string matching algorithm for selfcitation detection and benchmark this approach and other common methods of exclusively author namebased self-citation detection against a manually curated ground truth sample. Near full recall can be achieved with the proposed method while incurring only negligible precision loss. Second, I report some important observations from the results about the extent of latent self-citations and their characteristics and give an example of the effect of improved self-citation detection on the document level self-citation rate of [...].

Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschungsberichterstattung: Integration, Standardisierung, verteilte Informationssysteme.

Riechert, M., Tobias, R., Heller, L., Blümel, I., & Biesenbender, S. (2015).
Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschungsberichterstattung: Integration, Standardisierung, verteilte Informationssysteme. In P. Müller, B. Neumair, H. Reiser & G. Dreo Rodosek (Hrsg.), Tagungsband des 8. DFN-Forums Kommunikationstechnologien: Beiträge der Fachtagung 08.06-09.06.2015 in Lübeck, (S. 23-35). Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik.

Promovieren in der Rechtswissenschaft - Bedingungen und Strukturen im Vergleich zu anderen Disziplinen.

Tesch, J. (2015).
Promovieren in der Rechtswissenschaft - Bedingungen und Strukturen im Vergleich zu anderen Disziplinen. In J. Brockmann, A. Pilniok, H. Trute & E. Westermann (Hrsg.), Promovieren in der Rechtswissenschaft (S. 40-57). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.

Die Exzellenzinitiative und das deutsche Wissenschaftssystem: Eine bibliometrische Wirkungsanalyse.

Hornbostel, S., & Möller, T. (2015).
Die Exzellenzinitiative und das deutsche Wissenschaftssystem: Eine bibliometrische Wirkungsanalyse. Wissenschaftspolitik im Dialog 12. Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Technological convergence and the absorptive capacity of standardisation.

Gauch, S., & Blind, K. (2015).
Technological convergence and the absorptive capacity of standardisation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 91 (2015), 236-249.

The doctorate as an original contribution to knowledge: Considering relationships between originality, creativity, and innovation.

Baptista, A., Frick, L., Holley, . K., Remmik, M., Tesch, J., & Akerlind, G. (2015).
The doctorate as an original contribution to knowledge: Considering relationships between originality, creativity, and innovation. Frontline Learning Research, 3, 51-63.

Against all odds: Determinants of doctoral candidates’ intention to enter academia in Germany.

Hauss, K., Kaulisch, M., & Tesch, J. (2015).
Against all odds: Determinants of doctoral candidates’ intention to enter academia in Germany. International Journal for Researcher Development, 2, 122-143.


Clemens Blümel
Clemens Blümel Acting Head +49 30 2064177-31
Guido Speiser
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