Innovation via Open Access? A study on the effects of the policy-supported open access transformation in national innovation processes (INNOA)

Start of the project: 2023-Sept-01 - End of the project: 2026-Apr-30

In line with the Open Science approach, the INNOA project focuses on the exchange between the science system and the economic system. Scientific knowledge is often a central factor in private-sector innovation processes and thus also in economic development and social prosperity. The Open Science approach, understood as open towards all stakeholders, therefore also constitutes a driver of innovation and economic growth. The approach not only contributes to the efficiency of science system, but also supports economic innovation processes through transparency.

The INNOA project therefore examines Open Access (OA) initiated knowledge transfer as a responsive OA environment in order to also identify productive political framework conditions to support this transfer. Accordingly, the project first undertakes an analysis of the national implementation of the OA transformation using bibliometric data and then links the differences found by means of interviews with three national case studies on the political steering of the transformation. Subsequently, knowledge transfer is investigated using panel models to link the measured OA publications and innovation indicators at the macro level of individual OECD countries and the results are then validated using transfer artefacts at the micro level of individual OA publications.

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The Problem of Measurements: Fiscal Transparency and Diverging Outcomes.

Cruz Romero, R. (2024).
The Problem of Measurements: Fiscal Transparency and Diverging Outcomes. International Review of Public Policy (IRPP), 6(1), 1-30.

Political-Economic Characteristics of the Open Access Transformation: Exploring the Dimensions of Stagnant Scholarly Outputs.

Cruz Romero, R. (2024, November).
Political-Economic Characteristics of the Open Access Transformation: Exploring the Dimensions of Stagnant Scholarly Outputs. Poster auf dem Workshop Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy 2024 (NWB), University of iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Public participation and transparency: Does open governance promote inclusion and accountability?

Cruz Romero, R. (2024, Mai).
Public participation and transparency: Does open governance promote inclusion and accountability? Vortrag auf der Konferenz 8th Global Conference on Transparency Research (GCTR), Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.

The study offers a longitudinal-comparative approach, qualitatively analysing the role of transparency and public participation within the number of commitments, the level of completion, and the performance reported in each action plan submitted to the OGP. The analysis will centre on five cases, each highlighting different stages and different engagement levels to the OGP structures and principles. The findings highlight tendencies in multi-level governance models regarding official goals and (self-)reporting biases vis-a-vis independently assessments. The study offers policymakers and stakeholders a critical insight into potential lines of action to improve inclusion and accountability within an open governance paradigm.

Contact person

Stephan Stahlschmidt
Dr. Stephan Stahlschmidt +49 30 2064177-18


Clemens Blümel Roberto Cruz Romero

Funded by

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung