Comparative Governance of Higher Education Institutions in the German Federal States (VerGHiL)

Start of the project: 2019-Jan-01 - End of the project: 2020-Dec-31

Scientists who deal with issues of higher education governance and science policy actors in the federal government, the states and universities who are concerned with steering and service tasks have specific information needs and require quick and uncomplicated access to important documents on higher education governance. However, much of the information is currently scattered and not systematically prepared for use. The DZHW has therefore investigated the establishment of a web-based infrastructure for longer-term, comparative monitoring of developments in higher education governance in the German states as part of a feasibility study to be conducted in 2019 and 2020.

In a first step, the information needs of potential users were surveyed. To this end, a workshop was held with scientists in September 2019, and further members of this group were interviewed in winter and spring 2020 as part of a smaller series of interviews. Expert discussions were held with representatives of a total of four state ministries in the first half of 2020. In parallel, conceptual work on the relevant document types, possible metadata-based search functions, and the integration of content-analytical evaluation tools (e.g., text mining) into a document portal took place in close cooperation with the FDZ of the DZHW. In addition, it was examined to what extent a document collection already existing in the DZHW and created from different work contexts could be the basis of a document portal.

The feasibility study has clearly shown the existing need for a powerful infrastructure from the perspective of two important potential user groups. However, it has also become clear that the development and continuous operation of a web-based document portal cannot currently be realized with the resources available to the DZHW. Therefore, with the results of the study, the DZHW supports an application of the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) for the third-party funded development of a research information service (FID) in the field of "Higher Education, Science and Technology Studies".

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Die Governance-Perspektive in der Hochschulforschung: Umsetzung und Erträge eines Forschungskonzepts.

Oberschelp, A. (2023).
Die Governance-Perspektive in der Hochschulforschung: Umsetzung und Erträge eines Forschungskonzepts. Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, 45(1), 14-43.

Hochschulgovernance in Deutschland. Historische Entwicklungen und aktuelle Herausforderungen.

Oberschelp, A. (2021).
Hochschulgovernance in Deutschland. Historische Entwicklungen und aktuelle Herausforderungen. In P. Holderberg & C. Seipel (Hrsg.), Der wissenschaftliche Mittelbau - Arbeit, Hochschule, Demokratie (S. 82-103). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

The article examines the development of university governance in Germany after 1945, distinguishing between the ordinariate and the group university as well as the university under the paradigm of the new governance model as stages of development. As a supplement to the classical periodization for West Germany, important aspects of the development of higher education in the GDR are addressed. The study is guided by the governance approach with its distinction of five central governance mechanisms based on the so-called "governance equalizer" (Schimank). The article concludes with an outlook on currently discussed perspectives of higher education development in Germany.

Contact persons

Axel Oberschelp
Dr. Axel Oberschelp +49 511 450670-348
Eva Maria Vögtle
Dr. Eva Maria Vögtle +49 511 450670-359