
DZHW Brief

    20 years of the Bologna Process: Achievements and difficulties in tackling the social dimension of student life in Europe.

    Vögtle, E. (2019).
    20 years of the Bologna Process: Achievements and difficulties in tackling the social dimension of student life in Europe. (DZHW Brief 2|2019). Hannover: DZHW.

    Every Bologna Process participant country has been called upon to set measurable targets for widening participation of underrepresented groups in higher education since 2009. Despite the repeated articulation of widening participation in higher education as an objective, a common European definition is not available, making it difficult to assess in a comparative manner whether targets in this policy area have been met. There is a need for extensive data collection and analysis on the basis of micro data in order to fully understand the inequalities in any given higher education system, as well as across national higher education systems.



Filiz Gülal
Dr. Filiz Gülal 0511 450670-939