Kristina Hauschildt joined the DZHW in 2011. Her work has focused on the evaluation of policy and practice in higher education, covering a wide range of topics from student dropout to the impact of student fees on the quality of higher education provision. Many of her projects have had an international component. She is now project leader of the international project EUROSTUDENT, which collates data on the social and economic conditions of higher education from many countries in the European Higher Education Area. She is interested in comparative higher education research and topics relevant to the social dimension of higher education.
Kristina Hauschildt holds a diploma in psychology as well as a doctorate in work and organizational psychology from the University of Kiel, Germany.
Dr. Kristina Hauschildt
Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment
- +49 511 450670-193
- +49 511 450670-960
- Orcid
List of projects
List of publications