Eva Maria Vögtle

Dr. Eva Maria Vögtle

Research Area Governance in Higher Education and Science
  • +49 511 450670-359
  • +49 511 450670-960
  • Orcid

After completing her doctorate at the Department of Political and Administrative Sciences at the University of Konstanz, Eva Vögtle worked at the Collaborative Research Centre 597 "Statehood in Transition" at the University of Bremen before joining the DZHW in September 2013. There, between 2013 and 2016, she was involved in the project evaluation of the federal-state competition "Advancement through Education: Open University", and from 2017 to the end of 2019 she was part of the EUROSTUDENT team. In 2019, she led a project on higher education governance and its comparability between the German Länder. Since January 2020, as part of her postdoctoral position, she has conducted research on the conceptualisation and comparative measurement of academic freedom in the European context and on socio-economic conditions of students in Europe. In addition, applying quantitative network analysis, she has been conducting research on determinants of transnational student mobility since 2016 as part of the DZHW research cluster "Mobility of the Highly Skilled" and since 2021 as part of the research cluster "Mobility and Migration-Specific Inequalities".

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Academic research fields

Transnational Student Mobility, International Comparative Policy Convergence and Diffusion Research, Bologna Process, Social Network Analysis, Higher Education Governance, Institutions and Policies of the European U


List of projects

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Internationalisation in the Digital Transformation: Strategies of German higher education institutions (INDISTRA)

List of publications

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A good bluff is half the battle. The role of non-legislative reports for the European Parliament.

Vögtle, E. (2010).
A good bluff is half the battle. The role of non-legislative reports for the European Parliament. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag.

List of presentations & conferences

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The Network of International Student Mobility.

Vögtle, E., & Windzio, M. (2015, Juni).
The Network of International Student Mobility. Vortrag auf " Migration Mobility and Transnational Networks " -Session der " XXXV Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) " , Brighton, Großbritannien.

Determinants of network formation of Higher Education Institutions in the field of innovative study formats - the role of different types of proximity.

Brünjes, J., & Vögtle, E. (2015, April).
Determinants of network formation of Higher Education Institutions in the field of innovative study formats - the role of different types of proximity. Vortrag beim Forschungskolloquium der Wirtschaftsgeographie an der Leibniz Universität Hannover.

Determinants of network formation of Higher Education Institutions in the field of innovative study formats - the role of different types of proximity.

Vögtle, E., & Brünjes, J. (2015, April).
Determinants of network formation of Higher Education Institutions in the field of innovative study formats - the role of different types of proximity. Vortrag beim Treffen des Research Network of Network Researchers an der Universität Hildesheim.

The Network of International Student Mobility: Enlargement and Consolidation of the European Transnational Education Space?

Vögtle, E., & Windzio, M. (2015, März).
The Network of International Student Mobility: Enlargement and Consolidation of the European Transnational Education Space? Vortrag auf der Frühjahrstagung " Relationale Daten " der Sektion " Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung " der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bremen.

Transnationale Netzwerke Studentischer Mobilität.

Vögtle, E. (2014, Oktober).
Transnationale Netzwerke Studentischer Mobilität. Vortrag auf dem 37. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie an der Universität Trier.

15 Jahre Bologna-Reform: Eine kritische Bilanz.

Vögtle, E. (2014, April).
15 Jahre Bologna-Reform: Eine kritische Bilanz. DZHW-Vertreterin auf einer Podiumsdiskussion von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen im Kulturzentrum Konstanz.

Determinants of Student Mobility in Higher Education.

Vögtle, E., & Fulge, T. (2014, März).
Determinants of Student Mobility in Higher Education. Vortrag auf der International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention 2014, Toronto, Kanada.

Die Bildungspolitik der Europäischen Union: Akteure, Programme, Ziele.

Vögtle, E. (2014, Januar).
Die Bildungspolitik der Europäischen Union: Akteure, Programme, Ziele. Workshop mit Studierenden eines Seminars am Institut für Politikwissenschaft/Europäische Studien der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.

Welche Bildung braucht Europa? Chancen und Risiken einer gemeinsamen EU-Bildungspolitik.

Vögtle, E. (2014, Januar).
Welche Bildung braucht Europa? Chancen und Risiken einer gemeinsamen EU-Bildungspolitik. Referentin einer Podiumsdiskussion zum Europäischen Bildungsraum an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.

Transnationale Netzwerke studentischer Mobilität.

Vögtle, E. (2014, Januar).
Transnationale Netzwerke studentischer Mobilität. Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringveranstaltung " Interdisziplinäre Netzwerkforschung " des Centre for Regional and Innovation Economics (CRIE) des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Bremen.

The impact of the Bologna Process on cross-national student mobility.

Vögtle, E., & Fulge, T. (2013, Dezember).
The impact of the Bologna Process on cross-national student mobility. Vortrag auf der 1st international conference on Higher Education mobilities, Grenoble, Frankreich.

Europäischer Bildungsraum-Europäisierungsprozesse in Bildungspolitik und Bildungspraxis.

Vögtle, E. (2012, November).
Europäischer Bildungsraum-Europäisierungsprozesse in Bildungspolitik und Bildungspraxis. Vortrag vor dem Promotionskolleg der Hans Böckler Stiftung, Universität Tübingen.

Domestic factors determining higher education policy convergence in and beyond the Bologna area.

Vögtle, E. (2010, Mai).
Domestic factors determining higher education policy convergence in and beyond the Bologna area. Vortrag auf der EUREDOCS (European Doctoral Students in Higher Education) Konferenz in Lausanne, Schweiz.

Welfare State Traditions and Education and Higher Education Policy.

Vögtle, E. (2010, Mai).
Welfare State Traditions and Education and Higher Education Policy. Internationale Konferenz an der Universität Konstanz.

Determinants of Cross-National Higher Education Policy Convergence: Domestic Factors and Transnational Communication in the Realm of the Bologna-Process.

Knill, C., & Vögtle, E. (2010, April).
Determinants of Cross-National Higher Education Policy Convergence: Domestic Factors and Transnational Communication in the Realm of the Bologna-Process. Vortrag auf der CES (Center for European Studies) Konferenz in Montreal, Kanada.
Expert reports, peer reviews etc.

  • Applied Network Science
  • European Journal of Higher Education
  • Higher Education
  • Palgrave McMillan
  • Population, Space and Place
  • Springer VS
  • Studies in Higher Education
  • Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaften