Isabelle Fiedler

Isabelle Fiedler

Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment
  • +49 511 450670-190
  • +49 511 450670-960
  • Orcid

Isabelle Fiedler has been working as a researcher at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) in the Educational Careers and Graduate Employment research area since June 2018. From 2012 to 2015 she studied social sciences (B.A.) and in 2018 she graduated with a master's degree in educational sciences (M.A.) at Leibniz University Hanover.

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List of projects

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Research cluster: Empirical Methods of Higher Education Research and Science Studies

List of publications

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Validierung der Survey Attitude Scale zur Messung generalisierter Umfrageeinstellungen: Ergebnisse eines Survey-Experiments bei Hochschulabsolvent*innen.

Euler, T., Schwabe, U., Fiedler, I., Sudheimer, S., & Kastirke, N. (2022).
Validierung der Survey Attitude Scale zur Messung generalisierter Umfrageeinstellungen: Ergebnisse eines Survey-Experiments bei Hochschulabsolvent*innen. In G. Brandt & S. de Vogel (Hrsg.), Survey-Methoden in der Hochschulforschung (S. 269-299). Wiesbaden: Springer VS (online first).

List of presentations & conferences

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Survey attitudes and political engagement: Not correlated as expected for highly qualified and professional respondents.

Fiedler, I., Euler, T., Schwabe, U., Schulze, A., & Sudheimer, S. (2021, September).
Survey attitudes and political engagement: Not correlated as expected for highly qualified and professional respondents. Poster auf der Konferenz General Online Research Conference (GOR 21), Berlin.

Does the way how demanding questions are presented affect respondent’s answers? Experimental evidence from recent mixed-device surveys.

Schulze, A., Euler, T., Schwabe, U., Sudheimer, S., & Fiedler, I. (2021, September).
Does the way how demanding questions are presented affect respondent’s answers? Experimental evidence from recent mixed-device surveys. Poster auf der Konferenz General Online Research Conference, DGOF, Berlin.

Geschlechtsspezifische Differenzen im akademischen Selbstkonzept von Studierenden: Welche Rolle spielt das Studienfach?

Fiedler, I., Buchholz, S., & Schaeper, H. (2021, Juli).
Geschlechtsspezifische Differenzen im akademischen Selbstkonzept von Studierenden: Welche Rolle spielt das Studienfach? Vortrag auf der Konferenz digiGEBF21, DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main (Online-Veranstaltung, Video-On-Demand).

Update on SAS-Activities 2021.

Euler, T., Fiedler, I., Schwabe, U., & Sudheimer, S. (2021).
Workshop Update on SAS-Activities 2021, DZHW, Hannover.

Geschlechtsspezifische Differenzen im akademischen Selbstkonzept von Studierenden: Welche Rolle spielt das Studienfach?

Fiedler, I., Buchholz, S., & Schaeper, H. (2021, März).
Geschlechtsspezifische Differenzen im akademischen Selbstkonzept von Studierenden: Welche Rolle spielt das Studienfach? Vortrag auf der Tagung 7. Jahrestagung des Berliner Netzwerks für interdisziplinäre Bildungsforschung (BIEN), DIW Berlin.

Update on SAS-Activities 2020.

Euler, T., Fiedler, I., Schwabe, U., & Sudheimer, S. (2020).
Workshop Update on SAS-Activities 2020, DZHW, Hannover.

Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) revised: A Randomized Control Trial among Higher Education Graduates in Germany.

Euler, T., Schwabe, U., Kastirke, N., Fiedler, I., & Sudheimer, S. (2020, September).
Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) revised: A Randomized Control Trial among Higher Education Graduates in Germany. Poster präsentiert auf der 22. General Online Research Conference (GOR20) in Berlin.

Various empirical evidence signals that general attitudes towards surveys do predict willingness to participate in (online) surveys. The nine-item short form of the Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) as proposed by de Leeuw et al. (2010, 2019) differentiates between three dimensions: (i) survey enjoyment, (ii) survey value, and (iii) survey burden. Previous analyses in different datasets have shown that two dimensions do not perform satisfactory with respect to internal consistency and factor loadings in different samples (Fiedler et al. 2019). Referring to de Leeuw et al. (2019), we therefore investigate into the question whether the SAS can be further improved by reformulating single items and adding new ones from existing literature

Gender Differences in the Academic Self-Concept Among Students in Germany: Does the Field of Study Matter?

Fiedler, I., Buchholz, S., & Schaeper, H. (2019, November).
Gender Differences in the Academic Self-Concept Among Students in Germany: Does the Field of Study Matter? Vortrag auf der 4th International NEPS Conference, LIfBi Bamberg.

Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions?

Fiedler, I., Schwabe, U., Sudheimer, S., Kastirke, N., & Fehring, G. (2019, September).
Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions? Vortrag auf dem " Brownbag " -Treffen des Forschungsclusters " Empirische Methoden der Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung " am DZHW, Hannover.

Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions?

Fiedler, I., Schwabe, U., Sudheimer, S., Kastirke, N., & Fehring, G. (2019, Juni).
Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions? Vortrag auf dem Workshop " Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) und Survey Evaluation (SE) in Online Surveys " ; DZHW, Hannover.

Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) und Survey Evaluation (SE) in Online Surveys.

Schwabe, U., Kastirke, N., Sudheimer, S., & Fiedler, I. (2019, Juni).
Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) und Survey Evaluation (SE) in Online Surveys. Workshop, DZHW, Hannover, 27. und 28. Juni 2019.

Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) und Survey Evaluation (SE) in Online Surveys.

Schwabe, U., Kastirke, N., Sudheimer, S., & Fiedler, I. (2019).
Workshop Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) und Survey Evaluation (SE) in Online Surveys, DZHW, Hannover.

Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions?

Fiedler, I., Schwabe, U., Sudheimer, S., Kastirke, N., & Fehring, G. (2019, März).
Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions? Poster präsentiert auf der 21. General Online Research Conference (GOR19), Köln.

Besides others, general attitudes towards surveys are part of respondent's motivation for survey participation. There is empirical evidence that these attitudes do predict participant's willingness to perform supportively during (online) surveys (de Leeuw et al. 2017; Jungermann/Stocké 2017; Stocké 2006). Hence, the Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) as proposed by de Leeuw et al. (2010) differentiates between three dimensions: (i) survey enjoyment, (ii) survey value, and (iii) survey burden. Referring to de Leeuw et al. 2017, we investigate into the question whether the SAS measurements can be compared across different online survey samples of students from German Higher Education Institutions (HEI).

Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions?

Fiedler, I., Schwabe, U., Sudheimer, S., Kastirke, N., & Fehring, G. (2019, März).
Survey Attitude Scale (SAS): Are Measurements Comparable Among Different Samples of Students from German Higher Education Institutions? Poster auf der Konferenz General Online Research 2019 (GOR 19), DGOF, Köln.

Besides others, general attitudes towards surveys are part of respondent's motivation for survey participation. There is empirical evidence that these attitudes do predict participant's willingness to perform supportively during (online) surveys (de Leeuw et al. 2017; Jungermann/Stocké 2017; Stocké 2006). Hence, the Survey Attitude Scale (SAS) as proposed by de Leeuw et al. (2010) differentiates between three dimensions: (i) survey enjoyment, (ii) survey value, and (iii) survey burden. Referring to de Leeuw et al. 2017, we investigate into the question whether the SAS measurements can be compared across different online survey samples of students from German Higher Education Institutions (HEI).