Christoph Gwosć

Dr. Christoph Gwosć

Research Area Governance in Higher Education and Science
  • +49 511 450670-366

Christoph Gwosć studied Economics at the University of Duisburg-Essen, where he graduated with a master's degree in 1999. Subsequently he worked there until 2005 as research assistant at the Institute for European Economic and Social Policy. Teaching activities in Economics at Jacksonville University, Florida, and Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria, followed. He has been employed at DZHW since 2007, where he has been involved in national and international empirical projects on funding of studies and higher education institutions, the social dimension of higher education, and student mobility. Alongside his work at DZHW he was lecturer for Economics of Education in the master’s programme Science and Society at Leibniz University Hannover from 2013 to 2018. In 2018 he completed his doctorate at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Münster.

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List of projects

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List of publications

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Income inequality among students in European higher education.

Gwosć, C. (2019).
Income inequality among students in European higher education. EUROSTUDENT Intelligence Brief 1/2019. Hannover, Germany: DZHW GmbH.

The paper analyses in brief the distribution and concentration of student income in 25 EUROSTUDENT countries. Furthermore, the concentration of income between students and the total population is compared by means of the Gini coefficient

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Main report.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Main report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Executive summary.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Executive summary. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 1, Country case studies.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 1, Country case studies. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 2, Literature study and indicator review.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 2, Literature study and indicator review. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 3, Country fiches.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 3, Country fiches. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

EUROSTUDENT VI Overview and selected findings: Social and economic conditions of student life in Europe.

Hauschildt, K., Vögtle, E., & Gwosć, C. (2018).
EUROSTUDENT VI Overview and selected findings: Social and economic conditions of student life in Europe. Bielefeld, Germany: W. Bertelsmann Verlag.

This short report presents a condensed overview of the EUROSTUDENT Synopsis of Indicators - the central publication of the project and the result of the collaboration of a European-wide network including researchers, data collectors, representatives of national ministries, and other stakeholders. It comprises data from student surveys conducted in 28 countries in the European Higher Education Area during the sixth round of the EUROSTUDENT project.
This overview provides selected findings on topics such as characteristics of student populations, transition into and within higher education, study, working, and living conditions as well as international student mobility.

Social and economic conditions of student life in Europe: Synopsis of Indicators. EUROSTUDENT VI 2016-2018.

DZHW (Eds.) (2018).
Social and economic conditions of student life in Europe: Synopsis of Indicators. EUROSTUDENT VI 2016-2018. Bielefeld, Germany: W. Bertelsmann Verlag.
ISBN 978-3-7639-5913-6

Finanzen der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum.

Gwosć, C. (2016).
Finanzen der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum. EUROSTUDENT Kurzdossier. Hannover: Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW).

Studienbewertung und Zukunftspläne der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum.

Gwosć, C. (2016).
Studienbewertung und Zukunftspläne der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum. EUROSTUDENT Kurzdossier. Hannover: Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW).

Ausgaben der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum.

Gwosć, C. (2016).
Ausgaben der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum. EUROSTUDENT Kurzdossier. Hannover: Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW).

EUROSTUDENT-Kurzdossier: Die Wohnsituation der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum.

Gwosć, C., & Hauschildt, K. (2016).
EUROSTUDENT-Kurzdossier: Die Wohnsituation der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum. Hannover: Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW).

EUROSTUDENT-Kurzdossier: Sozialer Hintergrund der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum.

Gwosć, C., & Hauschildt, K. (2016).
EUROSTUDENT-Kurzdossier: Sozialer Hintergrund der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum. Hannover: Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW).

EUROSTUDENT-Kurzdossier: Demographische Merkmale der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum.

Gwosć, C., & Hauschildt, K. (2016).
EUROSTUDENT-Kurzdossier: Demographische Merkmale der Studierenden im Europäischen Hochschulraum. Hannover: Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul-und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW).

Die Struktur der staatlichen Studienförderung in Europa.

Gwosć, C., & Hauschildt, K. (2016).
Die Struktur der staatlichen Studienförderung in Europa. EUROSTUDENT Intelligence Brief Nr. 3. Hannover: Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW).

List of presentations & conferences

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Exploring students’ higher education experience internationally – Rationale, challenges, results.

Gwosć, C. (2022, September).
Exploring students’ higher education experience internationally – Rationale, challenges, results. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Romanian student satisfaction with the higher education experience, Uefiscdi (The Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education and Research) Romania, Bukarest, Romania.

The theory of public transfers with reference to higher education.

Gwosć, C. (2022, Mai).
The theory of public transfers with reference to higher education. Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung Public Finance im BA-Studiengang International Taxation and Law, Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve.

Die Theorie staatlicher Transfers mit einem Anwendungsbeispiel aus der Hochschulbildung.

Gwosć, C. (2022, Mai).
Die Theorie staatlicher Transfers mit einem Anwendungsbeispiel aus der Hochschulbildung. Vortrag in der Vorlesung Sozial- und Familienpolitik, Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve.

EUROSTUDENT VII. Selected results from the Synopsis of Indicators.

Hauschildt, K. (2021, August).
EUROSTUDENT VII. Selected results from the Synopsis of Indicators. Vortrag auf dem Seminar EUROSTUDENT Talks Webinar, August 25th, 2021.

Funding of students in higher education in Germany and Europe.

Gwosć, C., & Hauschildt, K. (2021).
Funding of students in higher education in Germany and Europe. Stellungnahme im Rahmen des Fi-compass factsheet: financial instruments for education and skills , European Investment Bank, Hannover, Deutschland.

EUROSTUDENT VII Selected results from the Synopsis of Indicators 2018-2021.

Hauschildt, K., Gwosć, C., Schirmer, H., & Wartenbergh-Cras, F. (2021, Mai).
EUROSTUDENT VII Selected results from the Synopsis of Indicators 2018-2021. Vortrag auf der Konferenz EUROSTUDENT final conference, EUROSTUDENT Consortium, hosted by DZHW, Hannover, Deutschland.

EUROSTUDENT VII final conference.

Hauschildt, K., Maroun, M., Magro, J. M., & Frankel, B. (2021).
EUROSTUDENT VII final conference, online.

The conference is the main project event and serves to showcase and discuss the results and insights achieved through EUROSTUDENT by bringing together the involved stakeholders, researchers, and project teams, as well as interested project-external participants.

Die Theorie staatlicher Transfers mit einem Anwendungsbeispiel aus der Hochschulbildung.

Gwosć, C. (2021, Mai).
Die Theorie staatlicher Transfers mit einem Anwendungsbeispiel aus der Hochschulbildung. Vortrag im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung "Sozial- und Familienpolitik", Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve.

Benachteiligt durch Selbstfinanzierung? Wie die wöchentliche Studienzeit von der Studienfinanzierung und dem Erwerbsverhalten Studierender abhängt.

Gwosć, C. (2021, März).
Benachteiligt durch Selbstfinanzierung? Wie die wöchentliche Studienzeit von der Studienfinanzierung und dem Erwerbsverhalten Studierender abhängt. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung LERN Bildungspotenziale 2021: "Determinanten und Effekte wissenschaftlicher, betrieblicher und individueller Weiterbildung" , Leibniz Forschungsnetzwerk Bildungspotenziale (LERN) ausgerichtet durch das DZHW, Hannover.

The Theory of Public Transfers with Reference to Higher Education.

Gwosć, C. (2020, Dezember).
The Theory of Public Transfers with Reference to Higher Education. Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung Public Finance im BA-Studiengang "International Business and Management", Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve.

The theory of public transfers with reference to higher education.

Gwosć, C. (2020, Juni).
The theory of public transfers with reference to higher education. Online-Vortrag im Master-Studiengang Sustainable Development Management; Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve.

The public student support system in Germany - Features, achievements, challenges.

Gwosć, C. (2019, Juni).
The public student support system in Germany - Features, achievements, challenges. Vortrag vor The Panel of International Experts on Student Finance - " Prospects for Reform of the Student Support in Poland " . Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland; Warschau, Polen.

Benachteiligt durch Selbstfinanzierung? Wie die Studienzeit von der Finanzierungsstruktur und dem Erwerbsverhalten Studierender abhängt.

Apolinarski, B., & Gwosć, C. (2018, September).
Benachteiligt durch Selbstfinanzierung? Wie die Studienzeit von der Finanzierungsstruktur und dem Erwerbsverhalten Studierender abhängt. Vortrag auf der Tagung zur 21. Sozialerhebung, DZHW GmbH, Hannover.

Disadvantaged by self-financing? How study financing influences students‘ working and study time.

Apolinarski, B., & Gwosć, C. (2018, März).
Disadvantaged by self-financing? How study financing influences students‘ working and study time. Vortrag auf der EUROSTUDENT VI Final Conference, Hotel Aquino, Berlin.

EUROSTUDENT VI comparative results: Students' housing situation.

Gwosć, C. (2018, März).
EUROSTUDENT VI comparative results: Students' housing situation. Vortrag auf der EUROSTUDENT Final Conference, DZHW GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland.