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Informationsveranstaltung zum KDSF-Standard für Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland.

Geschäftsstelle der KFiD, BMBF, & Projektträger DLR (2024).
Workshop Informationsveranstaltung zum KDSF-Standard für Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland.

Das Nacaps-Datenportal – Potenziale, Besonderheiten und Datenqualität in interaktiven digitalen Reportings.

Azeroual, O. (2024).
Das Nacaps-Datenportal – Potenziale, Besonderheiten und Datenqualität in interaktiven digitalen Reportings. Information – Wissenschaft & Praxis, 2024(75), 103-110.

On the performativity of SDG classifications in large bibliometric databases.

Ottaviani, M., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2024).
On the performativity of SDG classifications in large bibliometric databases. ArXiv (online first).

This work proposes using the feature of large language models (LLMs) to learn about the "data bias" injected by diverse SDG classifications into bibliometric data by exploring five SDGs. We build a LLM that is fine-tuned in parallel by the diverse SDG classifications inscribed into the databases' SDG classifications. Our results show high sensitivity in model architecture, classified publications, fine-tuning process and natural language generation. The wide arbitrariness at different levels raises concerns about using LLM in research practice.

How A/B testing changes the dynamics of information spreading on a social network.

Ottaviani, M., Herzog, S., Nickl, P. L., & Lorenz-Spreen, P. (2024).
How A/B testing changes the dynamics of information spreading on a social network. ArXiv (online first).

Contrasting cross-correlation: Meta-analyses of the associations between citations and 13 altmetrics, incorporating moderating variables.

Stephen, D., & Stahlschmidt, S. (2024).
Contrasting cross-correlation: Meta-analyses of the associations between citations and 13 altmetrics, incorporating moderating variables. Scientometrics (online first).

Austausch mit Vertreter*innen aus Wissenschaftsministerien zum Thema Forschungsinformationen und -berichterstattung.

Kommission für Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland, Petersohn, S., & Biesenbender, S. (2024).
Workshop Austausch mit Vertreter*innen aus Wissenschaftsministerien zum Thema Forschungsinformationen und -berichterstattung, virtuell.

Is there gender bias in awarding cum laude for the PhD thesis?

van den Besselaar, P., & Mom, C. (2024).
Is there gender bias in awarding cum laude for the PhD thesis? Scientometrics, 1-23 (online first).

In the Dutch academic system, PhD theses can be awarded with cum laude and at most 5% of all PhD graduates receive this selective distinction for their thesis. In this paper, we investigate whether there is gender bias in awarding cum laude, using data from one of the major Dutch research universities. A main result is that the set of PhD theses receiving cum laude on average do not have a higher quality than the best theses not getting cum laude. A second main result is that, after controlling for the quality of the PhD theses, women still have a substantially lower probability to receive cum laude. These results strongly suggest that the distribution of awards suffers from gender bias.

Informationsveranstaltung zum KDSF-Standard für Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland.

Geschäftsstelle der KFiD, & Projektgruppe FIS Thüringer Hochschulen (2024).
Workshop Informationsveranstaltung zum KDSF-Standard für Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland.

The Costs of Competition in Distributing Scarce Research Funds.

Schweiger, G., Barnett, A., van den Besselaar, P., Bornmann, L., De Block, A., ... & Conix, S. (2024).
The Costs of Competition in Distributing Scarce Research Funds. Arxiv Preprint. Ithaca, NY: Arxiv.

Research funding systems are not isolated systems - but embedded in a larger scientific system with an enormous influence on the system. This paper aims to analyze the allocation of competitive research funding from different perspectives: How reliable are decision processes for funding? What are the economic costs of competitive funding? How does competition for funds affect doing risky research? How do competitive funding environments affect scientists themselves, and which ethical issues must be considered? We attempt to identify gaps in our knowledge and propose recommendations for policymakers and funding agencies, including empirical experiments of decision processes and collection of data on these processes.

Barometer für die Wissenschaft. Ergebnisse der Wissenschaftsbefragung 2023.

Fabian, G., Heger, C., & Fedzin, M. (2024).
Barometer für die Wissenschaft. Ergebnisse der Wissenschaftsbefragung 2023. Berlin: DZHW.

The Scientists Survey was initiated in 2010. It is intended as a long-term barometer for science. Because the 2023 edition was the fourth wave, many topics, such as attitudes and opinions on science policy for example, can be examined over time in trends analyses. Additionally, the timing of the surveys waves has enabled a particular set of research questions: while the current cohort was surveyed directly at the end of the pandemic, the preceding wave took place directly before the start of the first extensive restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This "historical coincidence" gives insights into the way researchers worked in the time before, during and after the pandemic.

Who are the “Heroes of CRISPR”? Public science communication on Wikipedia and the challenge of micro-notability.

Simon, A., Kircheis, W., Schmidt, M., Potthast, M., & Stein, B. (2024).
Who are the “Heroes of CRISPR”? Public science communication on Wikipedia and the challenge of micro-notability. Public Understanding of Science, 33(7), 918-934.

Kein Gott, kein Staat, kein Klassikerdiktat! Plädoyer für eine andere Soziologiegeschichte.

Hesselmann, F. (2024).
Kein Gott, kein Staat, kein Klassikerdiktat! Plädoyer für eine andere Soziologiegeschichte. Soziopolis.

DINI AG FIS – Jahresrückblick 2023 & Ausblick auf 2024.

Petersohn, S., Biesenbender, S., Mau, F., Küsters, U., Hauschke, C., & Beucke, D. (29. Januar 2024).
DINI AG FIS – Jahresrückblick 2023 & Ausblick auf 2024 [Blogbeitrag].

Authorship regulations in performance-based funding systems and publication behaviour – A case study of German medical faculties.

Aman, V., & van den Besselaar, P. (2024).
Authorship regulations in performance-based funding systems and publication behaviour – A case study of German medical faculties. Journal of Informetrics, 18(2) (online first).

Warum werden Forschungsdaten selten nachgenutzt? Hintergründe und aktuelle Initiativen zu ihrer Erschließung.

Blümel, C. (2024).
Warum werden Forschungsdaten selten nachgenutzt? Hintergründe und aktuelle Initiativen zu ihrer Erschließung. Transfer & Innovation (1/2024).(Abgerufen am: 24.07.2024).


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