Scores and Quotas - the process for higher education admissions on the basis of vocational qualifications

Start of the project: 2017-Jan-01 - End of the project: 2018-Jun-30

In the course of opening up higher education institutions (HEIs) in recent decades, the number of students admitted on the basis of vocational qualifications is far below expectations. This is particularly apparent for public HEIs. At present, it is not known whether this has merely to do with a low level of interest within the target group in studying at a public HEI, or with selection mechanisms during the admission process.

As an exploratory research project, "Scores & Quotas" deals with university-level admission procedures for applicants with technical und vocational education qualifications (TVET) (duration: 01 January 2017 - 31 December 2017). It examines the mechanisms of admission that regulate access to HEIs for the target group. The focus is on the value of the final scores achieved in TVET in the admission process, the regulations on the "affinity" between vocational training degrees and the HEI’s accessible study courses, and on the quotas for students without a high school diploma.

Qualitative and quantitative methods are used for the implementation of the research project. In addition to statistical analyses, we carry out document analysis and expert interviews. In addition, case modelling is implemented as a non-empirical method.

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Berndt, L. (2018, März).
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Contact person

Walburga Katharina Freitag
Dr. Walburga Katharina Freitag +49 511 450670-392

Funded by

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung